How to Learn (A Lot)

Learning doesn’t need to be so hard

James Briggs
5 min readOct 12, 2022
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

The modern world rewards those that can learn and adapt quickly. Both financially and in your own personal fulfillment. Learning new skills keeps life interesting and fresh, but it isn’t easy to do.

Continuous learning can fry your brain very quickly. Yet, there’s nothing better than expanding the scope of your world in the way that learning can do.

How do we learn (a lot) optimally without hitting roadblocks like burnout?


My experience with “burnout” is that it isn’t triggered by the volume of work or not having breaks. It’s triggered by the continual chipping away at the same task with little-to-no progress.

Change is important, and without it, burnout is unavoidable. As the saying goes — “variety is the spice of life”.

The ideal solution would be to find varied work that is a novel experience every day. But no craft is mastered without repetition.



James Briggs

Freelance ML engineer learning and writing about everything. I post a lot on YT